TACs have the capacity, capability, and competence to assist you with your innovation or business challenge through the Interactive Visits Initiative!

The Interactive Visit Initiative (iVisit) taps into the innovative capacity and capabilities of the network of Canada’s 67 Technology Access Centres, including over 2,000 business innovation experts and almost 4 million square feet of dedicated applied research space.

Canada’s TACs are specialized applied research and development centres affiliated with publicly-funded colleges and cégeps. These demand-driven centres, from across Canada, help innovative small Canadian businesses get more innovative and productive by:

  • conducting applied research and development projects focused on company problems;
  • offering specialized technical services and objective advice; and
  • providing training related to new types of technology, equipment and processes.

Simply fill in the request form that applies to you with as much detail as you’re willing to share. The TACs will review it and Tech-Access Canada will promptly provide you with information about the next steps in solving your challenge.

Ready to get started? Fill out the following questions to see if you're eligible to request an Interactive Visit.